Welcome to Foundation Silva & Lewiński

About us
The Foundation was established in 2022 from the combination of passion for Judo sport and culture, respect for the world around us and the environment.
We want to introduce the next generation of young people to principles in line with a worldview of mutual respect, healthy sporting competition and care for future natural resources.
We place special emphasis on extending help to children who do not have a chance for an equal start in adult life – who are excluded due to material statutes or social dysfunctions in the family home, who have difficulties related to social functioning and do not have access to knowledge resources or upbringing in the spirit of sports.
The way to our goals is not direct material support, but to provide children with the tools to create their own path in life, to outline the direction of action, to familiarize them with the principles of social and sports life, care for the environment – in the mind of the creator of judo – to bring up in an open society with a sense of responsibility for social welfare.
We want to achieve this by organizing:
- sports activities and judo training
- participation in camps and occasional events
- professional refresher courses (IT, graphics, design, visage, etc.)
- instructor courses as part of spreading judo culture
- technical further training in specific professions (vocational courses for young people)
- educational classes and workshops in ecology and nature conservation.
The basis of our activities is to gain the trust of children through play, education and providing tools for further action.
This requires not only an investment of time but also money.
If our values are close to you or your company, please support our activities (Who we help)
Grzegorz Lewiński – President
Judo trainer. He started his sports career at the age of 4. Grzegorz is a very successful competitor, he won, among others, the title of Vice-Champion of the World, took 5th place in the European Championships, won 14 medals of the Polish Championships.
Since 2015, he has been educating young judo players, conducting trainings in various age groups, going to competitions and sports camps.
Monika Silva – Vice President
Manager with 20 years of experience in the energy sector. She manages investment projects in the Polish market. He cooperates with Polish companies and foreign investors, acting for the development of modern and ecological technologies for electricity generation.
Since 2017, she has also volunteered and educated children on environmental protection, energy saving, and care for our planet’s resources.

Grzegorz Lewiński

Vice President
Vice President

Support our activities with a one time donation. We will use it for ongoing activities such as travel costs, purchase of educational aids, administrative supplies. Contributions can be made to the account number mBank
IBAN PL12 1140 2004 0000 3902 8353 6235
With regular support we can meet our cyclical goals such as physical education lessons, extra training, educational classes, technical and vocational courses
A standing order can be set up at account number mBank
IBAN PL12 1140 2004 0000 3902 8353 6235
support us via facebook – e.g. create a birthday collection
Would you like to help as a volunteer or do you have an idea for your support?
- sports training
- environmental protection, ecology
Write to us: biuro@fundacja-sl.org.pl
We issue certificates for volunteering.

Incorporate concern for social well-being, environmental aspects and employee relations with various local groups into your Company management strategy.
Become our regular partner and implement social responsibility together with us.
Write to us about your vision, ideas and agreement to support: biuro@fundacja-sl.org.pl
If you would like to support our activities beyond CSR, you can become our permanent Partner. Your logo will be displayed in the Partners section.
Support our activities with a financial donation from your Company and make it tax deductible.
Donations can be made to the account number
IBAN PL12 1140 2004 0000 3902 8353 6235
with the description “donation for statutory purposes”.
Our projects are constantly evolving. The first of these are:
- purchase of vocational courses for girls
- organisation of physical education lessons and judo sports training
- environmental picnic
- participation in a sports camp
We are also considering in-kind donations or, for example, company products. Please contact us by email: biuro@fundacja-sl.org.pl

Statutory Objectives of the Foundation:
- social assistance, including assistance for families and persons in difficult life situations and equalisation of opportunities for these families and persons;
- activity for integration and professional and social reintegration of people at risk of social exclusion
- charitable activity
- activity for the benefit of the disabled and chronically ill, including oncological patients and their families;
- support and dissemination of physical culture
- activities in the field of education, education and upbringing;
- activity in the field of ecology, animal protection and protection of natural heritage
- counteracting addictions and social pathologies.
We achieve this by
- running sports activities for children from families at risk of social exclusion;
- organising meetings, training and events for children, teenagers and their parents from families at risk of social exclusion;
- organising sports camps for children and teenagers from families at risk of social exclusion;
- organising and providing direct material support for the disabled and chronically ill, including those with oncology, and their families.
Youth Sociotherapy Centres
Pupils of Sports Clubs from poor, socially excluded families

Ecol Sp. z o.o.
Ecol Sp z o.o., a limited liability company registered in Rybnik, is the leader of complex solutions supporting operability management. We offer the state-of-the-art oil-and-lubrication services, specialist cleaning and flushing of oil systems in turbine sets, as well services in the area of hydrodynamic, chemical, abrasive-blasting, and explosive deslagging of all industrial systems.

An experienced and independent consulting and engineering company. Specialize in consulting services for enterprises in the fuel and energy sector, industrial enterprises and public institutions.

Transition Technologies Systems
TT-Systems are providers of IT solutions and services for the energy sector. They organise courses in network security, design thinking, excel, graphic design useful in everyday and professional life for our charges.
Fundacja Silva&Lewiński
KRS Fundacji: 0001026532
NIP Fundacji: 1251746269
REGON Fundacji: 52480138400000
e-mail: biuro@fundacja-sl.org.pl